I launched Epic Life by Choice September 2016 with a clear calling to help people. The exact who, what and how weren't as clear at the time. But I’m a strong believer that action brings clarity so instead of waiting for perfection and certainty, I launched. I figured everything would unfold as it should. And it did...and it still is. I’ve reinvented a few times. I went from Epic Life Coach, to Career Strategist, to Conflict Coach, and then Guidance Counselor to Leadership Development Coach. I couldn’t figure out what to label myself. Then it struck me! The label doesn’t matter, at least not now. What’s most important is the result I provide, the problem I solve for my clients. What a relief that was. You see, I’m good at a lot of things and I have receipts to prove it. I’ve help women and men:
obtain life and goal clarity;
achieve career advancement;
have courageous conversations;
build confidence and self-esteem;
set boundaries with family, children and friends, without guilt;
reclaim their power and worth in relationships;
let go of toxic and problematic people;
overcome false beliefs, fear and self-doubt;
replace bad habits with good ones;
become more patient, loving, firmer, empowered parents, supervisors, business owners and so on.
In coaching and counseling, what I’ve discovered is a common thread: all of my clients were in transition. I was helping them adjust to life changes, planned and unplanned, significant and typical, sometimes abrupt and earth shattering. And in all cases, we pushed through together, with me helping them to grow, develop and ultimately achieve epic living. In 2018, that’s my focus: helping accomplished leaders and high-achieving women (and a few good men) navigate confidently through transition and change. Why? Because change can be exciting, tough, draining, painful, and challenging. And we need someone trusted, to help us as we end one chapter, move through the choppy waters and begin anew. I just really wanted to start 2018 by making sure you know what I’m about. If what I do - the problems I help people solve - feels like something you need, I have a few spots open for my Create Your Epic Life Clarity Session. Learn more here. I’m only taking few clients per month, so register today.
Photo via Pixabay